Building yourSUCCESSCareer 101
How toNETWORKNetworking 101
JOB HUNTINGWhy should I network?Find out more
Make More Money!
In this program you will:
✓ Develop your own Brand
✓ Have a professional Resume
✓ Increase your professional Network
✓ Refine your Interview skills
✓ Get a Mentor
✓ Become an Expert
100% of the people we have worked with have jobs in Canada.

You have a brand. Fine tune it and Make More Money.

Building valuable relationships are the key to getting your Dream Job.

Mentors know things Google don't. They can advise you on situations during your career path.

We are proud to be in partnership with the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Memorial University. Through this partnership, we offer a special program free to 12 students in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial University.
Carol Bartlett
Founder, the 150 years Mentorship Program
Carol Bartlett started from humble beginnings with student loans to finance a degree in Earth Sciences. She built a circle of mentors from Canada's most prominent, studied success, and climbed the corporate ladder. A Fortune 500 Manager, and a Vice President of Sales and Marketing managing over $200 Million annually, Carol willingly shares her career success model.

Cathy Bennett
President and CEO, Bennett Group of Companies
Cathy Bennett has spent the past 30 years leading and growing her business to where it stands today, with hundreds of employees and multiple businesses, while building a strong reputation as a successful leader in the Newfoundland and Labrador and Canadian business community.

Earl Ludlow
Executive Vice President, Eastern Canadian and Caribbean Operations for Fortis Inc.
Prior to becoming Executive Vice President of Eastern Canadian and Caribbean Operations for Fortis Inc., Mr. Ludlow served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Newfoundland Power Inc.

Malcolm Maclean
Senior Vice President, Husky Energy Atlantic Region
With more than 30 years of international operational and project experience in the upstream sector, Mr. Maclean joined Husky as Vice President, Developments for the Atlantic Region in 2011. In October 2012, he was appointed Senior Vice President, Atlantic Region.

What People say...
It's not a matter of education, not a matter of Canadian experience - it's about you doing what you need to do.

The mentorship program totally changed my mindset. It's life-changing.

" The 150 years mentorship program taught me to acknowledge my strengths and values, and grow into my potential. Thanks to Carol and the great mentors, I learned how to improve my networking skills and set a bridge between life in the academics and my future career."

The major benefit I got from the 150 Mentorship Program is that it gave me perspective. I learned what skills and attitudes are desired by employers and how to reach them in a way that stands out from any other candidates. I also learned that success sometimes doesn't necessarily comes from sticking to your personal plan, but from your availability to see potential in the opportunities that come your way.