3 Words My Mentor Told Me Changed My Life

It was a Tuesday evening. I was 28 years old. I was at a fundraiser for a choral choir, I was on their board of directors.

A woman I wanted to meet was the guest speaker. She had recently been featured in a magazine, she was successful in her career and in her volunteer life.

I wanted to talk to her, but she was practically famous, and I was not. I worked as a geophysicist and spoke to very few people.

She was getting ready to leave the event, and I still hadn’t worked up the courage to meet her. I remember thinking, ‘tonight is the night I change the direction of my life.’

I stood up from the seat I had been glued to, and walked across the room to the exit, by now I had to catch her and her entourage leaving the building. I asked her to have a cup of coffee with me. Frankly I was willing to give 40 hours free time to the charity of her choice just to have coffee.

The answer …



On that night two things changed. One, I knew I wanted a successful career, not an ordinary career with a decent job and a decent pay cheque – an extraordinary career. Two, I was about to learn how.

I started to study success. I read everything I could find, books, interviews, discussions, documentaries, and journal articles. What followed was 13 years of dedicated study of the discipline of success. Everyone I talked to, interviewed, or read about – all referred to their mentor.

Having a Mentor is one Key Element to success.

It was a full week later before I met with the speaker from that important night.

Her first question for me: Why did you want to meet with me?

My response: I want to know how you have become so successful.

She didn’t even smile, and said: That’s easy. I ADD VALUE.

Those 3 words changed how I approached everything. When I went to work I asked myself “What can I do to add value today?” When I volunteered I asked myself, “What can I do to add value?” When someone asked me for anything, I asked, “What can I do to add value?”

Each time I answered the question, something magical happened

A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself. – Oprah Winfrey


What really happened on that night that we had coffee was a powerful conversation about perspective.

Yes – perspective. If you can view from the other person’s perspective, you can quickly see how to add value.

For example, if you know the pressure your boss is under, would you work harder, complete the project faster? That adds value.

If you knew the hiring manager had very little time to review applications, would you try to make your application easy for them to read, perhaps call them to help them make a easier decision? That adds value.

What if you volunteered at the community food bank, where there always seemed to be lots of food, but only open for limited hours, would you recruit volunteers to donate hours? That adds value.

When I started asking, “What can I do to add value?” and I took action, the chain reaction was amazing! It was magical. My boss asked me to do more, and I took on more responsibility. My colleagues started asking me my opinion. People in my church, in my community, all asking. My experience and level of influence was growing exponentially.

Use these three words and tell me about the difference you find in your life. Email me at Carol@150yearsmentorship.com


At the end of the coffee I asked her one last question: How did you know about ADDING VALUE?

She said: “My mentor told me.”




PS: Are you ready to execute on your next career move… here are 4 ways I can help you


  1. Grab a virtual coffee

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  1. Work with me privately

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