Me: Do you set New Year’s resolutions?
My Mentor: Never.
(She was deadpan serious. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was uncomfortable with nowhere to go in conversation. Luckily, she continued.)
My Mentor: I don’t make New Year’s resolutions because for the most part people don’t keep them. But I make yearly goals.
The one thing that we all have in common is time. 365 days from now you and I will both be 365 days older. In addition to the passing of time, we will healthier or less healthy, richer or poorer, more knowledgable or not, stronger or weaker, more friends or less, in 365 days.
Me: I haven’t looked at this way before.
My Mentor: Whether we like it or not time is passing. What do you want to be in 365 days?
More Knowledgeable?
More friends?
Broader professional network?
I always set goals. I was surprised when my mentor said that she didn’t make New Year’s resolutions. But over several discussions, I got insight not just on goal setting but how to achieve them.
Part 1 of the 365 day challenge is identifying what you want be 365 days from now. Next year this time what do you want your life to look like?
Over the next few weeks, I’ll share what my mentor taught me on how to achieve those goals.
If you want to see how I map out my vision of the future, check out Life By Design.
I believe leaders are grown, not born. I believe we influence our destiny with the choices we make, the knowledge we utilize, and the people we meet.
That is why I wake up every day to connect with people around the world to inspire them to actively shape their journey.