A Starry Night System with Big Results


I was about to meet up with my mentor and I was feeling down. I just wasn’t getting the results I wanted at a high level. I revved myself up as I so was grateful to be meeting with her, but she noticed.


Me: I feel that people are not responding to me in the way I want. I am working at building my network, but when people don’t respond I get discouraged.

My Mentor: You should implement the Starry Night System.

Me: What is that?

My Mentor: Everyday write down who you reached out to and how. Give yourself a star for reaching out to a peer, two stars for a manager, three stars for a senior level executive. Do similar for the mode of communication. One star for an email, two for a phone call, three for in-person meeting. You also get a star if they respond to you.

Me: This is like a game.

My Mentor: At the end of each day, count your stars. At the end of each week, count your stars. Is it a Starry Night? If not, work harder.


That day changed how I got excited about building my network. It sounds simple – I love collecting stars.

It celebrates your actions, and only you are in control of you own actions.


Here’s how it works:


The mode of communication counts. For example, if you email someone, it is 1 star.

Email = 1 Star

Phone = 2 Stars

Meeting = 3 Stars


Who you communicate with matters. The more senior level people you communicate with the more likely you are to learn corporate etiquette, understand the bigger picture of your industry, and expand your knowledgeset. For each peer you reach out to is 1 star.


Peers = 1 Star

Managers = 2 Stars

Senior Executives = 3 Stars.

Here are examples:

If you emailed a peer, you get 2 stars. One for the email and one for the peer.

If you called a Senior Executive, you get 5 stars.

This is what a Starry Night System looks like:

Ask yourself – Can I add a few extra stars to my day?

Executives push themselves all the time for just a little more.

I used a notebook. Before too long, I was known for being well connected.

How many stars can you get? Do you have a Starry Night?

If you emailed or sent a message to 5 people every week, and connected with one; how many new people would you meet in a week?

What would that do to your career?

What if you did it for a month? You would meet 4 new people!

If they were outside your company and inside your industry, how much more would you learn? Of course, you would be sharing your information with them too.

If you did this for 6 months, you would have 24 new people in your network.

What would people say about you? I know what they would say – You have a good network.

In a year they would say – You are well connected.

This is a marginal change in your everyday life that has a HUGE IMPACT on your career. Start today – email 1 person to share ideas about your industry.

Personally, when a lot of my communication was with senior level folks, I knew good things were about to happen and they did.

***If someone wanted to help out and design a quick app for the Starry Night System, I would posted it on the website as a free download. Simply respond to this email.***

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