365 Day Challenge – Part 1

Me: Do you set New Year’s resolutions? My Mentor: Never. (She was deadpan serious. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was uncomfortable with nowhere to go in conversation. Luckily, she continued.) My Mentor: I don’t make New Year’s resolutions because for the most part people don’t keep them. But I make yearly goals. The one […]

Just Do It

    Make success happen. But how you ask? Sometimes we all put barriers in our own way. They are the obstacles we create in our head that block us from success.   My Mentor: People progress quicker in their career when they extend their network to people higher on the corporate ladder than themselves. Me: That’s great for them. Why […]

What Do Students Say About 150 Years Mentorship

My Thoughts about 150 Years Mentorship Program By Sinh Bui I was fortunate to have an opportunity to be involved in the 150 Years Mentorship Program, where I, together with other enthusiastic mentees, met incredibly inspiring mentors. It was like a perfect match between those who are full of energy but do not know which […]

The Secret

During a conversation about working with teams and how A-Players hire A-Players, and that B-Players hire C-Players, me and my mentor discussed how A-Players identify one another.   Me: How do Executive quality people identify the same qualities in others? My Mentor: You mean how do A-Players identify other A-Players? Me: Yeah. My Mentor: It is a secret code. Me: Are […]

Create a Personal Advisory Board

My Mentor: Who do you consult with when you have big decisions to make? Or when you thinking about making a change? Me: My mother, and I talk to my friends. My Mentor: You need to build an advisory board. A group of wise peoplewho you can discuss career advice with, who do not have bias. People who are experienced and people who are […]