How to be 10X More Productive

Me: How do you accomplish so much? My Mentor: Ah, I think about time differently than most people. Me: How so? My Mentor: Every Sunday between 7 and 9am I plan my week. I look at all the things I want to accomplish this year, and I ask, “what can I do this week that […]

Use the Laws of Averages

Me: What was one piece of advice that you never forgot? My Mentor: We are the average of the 5 people you most associate with. Me: How to you mean? My Mentor: It means that the people who we associate the most are the average of what we can aspire to. We might interact with many people, but those […]

Where Do You Want to Be in 5 Years?

“Always lay the groundwork of where and who you want to be in 5 Years, even if you want something else in 5 years, you will have options when you get there.” My Mentor: Where do you want to be in 5 years? Me: I don’t know. My Mentor: Well, you need to pick a place, if not in […]

Define Your Future

When I was in university I had a hobby. I wrote and directed plays. They were plays with music, solos, mime, dialog, dance, plots, and set changes. I didn’t have any idea what I was doing. I knew one thing very strongly – I could see it in my head, in my mind’s eye. When we […]

Change your Life with One Conversation

Some conversations change your life!   I am a firm believer in the quote, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” (Charlie Jones)   This is very true. Have you changed your direction based on a conversation? Attended an event or a […]

How to Connect with a Hiring Manager

My Mentor: So you want to know how to connect with a hiring manager. Me: Very much so. Some of the job ads say NO Phone Calls and I don’t how to reach a hiring manager. My Mentor: Last week I talked to you about the importance of fit and how important it is for a manager to have a few […]