Call Me

Imagine you are having a dinner party. You want to invite 6 to 8 people and you want everyone to have a good time. Who do you invite? By now you are thinking about your closest friends and having a good time. But what about if two of those friends you really like, but you know they are not going to jive well with […]

How to Get a Promotion Part 3

How to Get a Promotion – Part 3 My Mentor: The next step in getting a promotion is seeing the big picture and I’ll explain how to do that. In the last few weeks, we have talked about the chasm, which is the gap that everyone needs to jump over to move on to the step stage in their […]

How to Get a Promotion Part 2

My Mentor: Last week we talked about climbing the corporate ladder and how most people think there is a linear relationship between time and advancing your career – this is false. (You can read about this here.) I have decided to tell you in segments how to get a promotion. It is an investment of time, effort, and […]

How to Get a Promotion Part 1

When I started my career, I had two assumptions. 1. People who were good at their jobs got promoted. 2. The person best qualified got the job.   They are both false. If, after reading this article, you conclude that you found it helpful, please feel free to share it with your network and subscribe […]

10 Reasons to Build Your Career One Project at a Time

“Start Strong, Strong Finish, and Be Consistent in The Middle.”   If I heard this once, I heard it a thousand times.   My Mentor had mantras, like this one.   Mantras help our self talk. A mantra is a repetitive saying that channels your subconscious and conscious mind into a focused area. Mantras have theability to drown out the self talk […]


How To Get a Job Without Experience

Catch-22 – How do you get the experience required for the job you want? “I want to get a promotion but I need different experience than what I am getting now.” Is that you? I was a practicing Geophysicist, knee deep in 3D seismic data, most days I felt like my best friend was Kingdom Suite or […]