How I Started my Career

4 Accelerators to Ensure Success

Whether you are a new graduate or not, looking for a job can be a daunting experience. It is easy to give into the fears of not knowing anyone, not knowing the language, not knowing your offering, and not knowing what your future employers’ needs are.

I know this firsthand, and I have been there numerous times. My first career job I decided I wanted to travel. Going in, I knew little about the industry. I had fears of rejection. What if I couldn’t get a job? What if I screwed up and my reputation was hurt along with my feelings? Not getting a job wasn’t an option for me.

Here’s how I got my first job:

  1. Target your Goal

I selected 3 companies I wanted to work for because they all did work abroad.

  1. Leverage your Network

I was at a Faculty potluck, there were about 50 people there. I was brave enough to stand up and ask if anyone knew someone who worked at one of these companies. One person knew someone! Oh the power of ONE. I asked if they would put me in touch with their friend.

  1. Call Someone in the Company

In addition to reaching out to a friend of a friend, I called the company directly. One time I called and asked to talk to HR. Another time I called and asked to talk to someone who’s name I had found on the internet who wrote a paper. Each time, word got around to the hiring manager that I was interested.

  1. Be Persistent

I was grateful to each person I talked to. If they were willing to introduce me to another person, I made the new connection, but I followed-up with the first person to let them know how it went.

Would you like to chat with me about advancing your career? I am here to serve. Email me to set up a time.

The full story and what really happened…

I really wanted to work in Brazil. That’s the truth. The friend of a friend, her name was Lisa. I emailed Lisa the same day and told her I was friends with Donna, and asked her about her job and that I was interested. At the time Lisa was offshore, she gave me her boss’s email address. What I didn’t know at the time, was that she emailed her boss and said that I was interested in working for the company (I didn’t know it then, but that is the same thing as a recommendation). I was very thankful to Lisa. I then emailed her boss, Nicki, and asked if could have 15 minutes of her time.

I didn’t stop there. I also called the company and asked to speak with HR, her name was Elaine. As it turned out, Elaine was in charge of recruitment in Canada, but not at my school and not for my area of study, Geophysics. 

How did Elaine make an exception?

Elaine was able to make an exception for me because Nicki, the hiring manager, had 

  • a recommendation (from Lisa, someone she knew and trusted)
  • had talked to me on the phone (she knew I would make a good “fit”)
  • I had called HR to express interest (I was a hard worker)

There was no doubt I wanted to work for them. All they had to do was ensure I had the minimum requirements. In the end, Nicki flew from Houston to St. John’s, NL, to do interviews at another school, BUT I WAS ON THE LIST! 

I went to work for her offshore Brazil. I started 6 weeks later. I love it! I had so much fun in Brazil.

How did you get your first job? Tell me about it. I would love to get an email from you. I respond to all emails!


You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.


PS: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you

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  1. Grab a virtual coffee

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  1. Check out our blog

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  1. Join our 150 Years International Mentorship Program

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  1. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take you from student to working professional… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about yourself and what you’d like to do in your  dream career, and I’ll get you all the details!

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